Saturday, October 08, 2011


It's been a few weeks since I have played along with gratefuls. I have so missed it...I had a couple of weeks when on Saturday I just couldn't get to the computer...and now we are in blogtoberfest...well I'm challenging myself to get to the computer! :)
Amongst a lot of things I am grateful for this week I am going to tell you about the following four!
1. The ladies I met with yesterday afternoon. We all have husby's who have started their "pastor prac" we met to see how each of us were going. It was really good. We have all had very different experiences so far. I am the only one out the 6 of us who don't have kids. I am also the only one who works full time (one other lady works close to it). So I have had a really different experience when it comes to that! It was really interesting to listen how most were finding not having their husby's at home as much they realised how much they were missing their home support. Tim's prac has been good so far, a couple of ups and downs but for the most part pretty smooth. We do see each other less but we are getting into a better flow...most of the time...

2. I'm grateful for being able to come and go as we please. We've had a hectic week, dinner here and there, a fabulous concert. Today we laid down for a half hour nap...that turned into 2 hours (hopefully I'll still be able to go to sleep tonight). Although I am REALLY looking forward to having chickadees (kids) one day our time isn't yet but as we wait for that time I am grateful for the time Tim and I have together.

3. Sister act marathons with lovely ladies for birthday celebrations...with hot chocolate and treats...enough said really!
who are growing up SO FAST! And they are even bigger than this...the photos I was looking for...for some reason will not appear on the computer! But you get the point! They are pretty stinking cute!
check out more gratefuls back at home this week at Maxabella's!


  1. OMG - that sweet bunny jumper is adorable! So to the small person wearing it.

  2. ahh such cuties!
    great to have excellent support, birthday celebrations & of course choc treats.

    have a wonderful week Miss Lozalicious ♥

  3. Oh, well done on getting a two-hour nap. Ah, what bliss! x

  4. A nap! Bliss! Enjoy the utter wonderfulness of having a nap with your man for as long as you can. There are so many other little things that I wish I'd been more grateful for before chickadees myself!

    Blogtoberfest is a new thing for me... I will have to investigate further.

    Those bubbas a super cute. x

  5. Ah so nice to have a nap, and the littlies, so cute!


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