Friday, October 07, 2011

frocktober...the first week...

 Wow. SO this first week of Frocktober I have learnt I am a bit of a lazy dresser! By lazy I mean I go to the same things in my cupboard day after day, week after week...there is something probably deeper and psychological about that but I'm not going to go into that! :) I first noticed this on Wednesday when I was heading up to a camp for the day. The weather outside SUCKED! It was miserable, deary and misty. And it was a camp for teenagers as if I needed to be wearing a dress! Bit over the top. HA so I settled on a skirt and decided that counted...because heck who owns 31 dresses...and if you do that's incredible! Although after writing that I went and checked how many dresses and  skirts I have...and I'm not going to have to double up too much!
Tim got sick of taking a photo of me every day...pretty quick I'll eventually perfect it by the end of the month! 


  1. I love the black dress with the floral panel. I have about 150 dresses but that is not normal!

  2. i love dresses, i think dresses are fabulous! the dress with the beautiful floral panel made me go *ahhhhhh* and the little floral dress further down made me go *ohhhhhhh*, then the last dress made me go *awwww* they are so lovely. I have to tell you, i have been wearing leggings and dresses and skirts for the last 2 weeks, every single day. I am not at work right now, so its wonderful to be in dresses and skirts. Yay!

  3. love it! I have never heard of frocktober, mayber next year I should take part.... I love dresses! and I love many of yours in these pics!!! xx

  4. You're rocking the the frocks - I really Looooooooooooooove the first one, I think if you have to double up, you should wear that one again lmao. ;)

  5. You have some amazing dresses! They are so pretty! And you look gorgeous in them. I say, wear dresses more often! Not everyone can rock a dress and look so suave :)

  6. Thanks for your lovely comments ladies! I'm getting there! :)

  7. lozzie, you look beautiful in all of them, i love the black one with the pink tights, you lookie cutie patootie.


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