Friday, May 27, 2011


This week I'm grateful for thoughtfulness....for a wonderful thoughtful idea go here...I totally want to try it!
I'm constantly grateful for weekends...because it feels like I can get a bit of sanity...lazy Friday evenings enjoying reading all my favourite blogs and discovering new ones!
For new followers...thanks for coming to say hi!
Happy Weekend friends! xx
for more gratefuls check maxabella loves


  1. What a beautiful picture - lovely stuff. Caz

  2. Oh, I'm grateful for weekends too. But mostly for Sat arvo thru to Sunday night, because we have soccer on Sat morns, and I spend Friday thinking about getting the kids fed. dressed and to their matches on time! I can't sleep until whenever I like on Saturdays. :(

    But come Sat afternoon....woot! The weekend!

    Over from Maxabella Loves. x

  3. Loz, I totally love this idea! Where do you find all these clever things, you're so creative. Love Bec

  4. Oh, I loooove lazy Friday nights spent in bed with my laptop finding new blogs. Speaking of which, I've just found yours! Have a lovely, relaxing weekend xxx

  5. Oh i Heart weekends to, i love spending time with the kids wity no time limit to do things..
    new follower x

  6. What a gorgeous idea!!
    Yes I love the weekends to and a chance for a breather from the hectic week that was :)
    Enjoy yours Lauren.

  7. Oh yes, thank heaven for weekends. I work every second weekend but even so, weekends at my job are pretty cruisy. And my weekends off actually last from Friday to Tuesday so I absolutely love those!
    Nothing better than kicking back and giving yourself permission to fill an entire evening (which sometimes extends to the whole weekend, I confess) with reading. Just. Love. It.

  8. I love Friday nights and usually spend it discovering new blogs too. Loved having discovered yours! Very grateful! ;)

  9. What a lovely image! weekends are the best! Hope your having good one :)

  10. I love the sentiment in that poster, Loz. What a great idea for a child's bedroom!!

    I'm off to follow your link.x


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