1. someone you spend a lot of time with
2. A picture of you
3. A random photo of you and your significant other
4. An old picture of you:
5. A picture of something that makes you happy:
6. A picture of your siblings
7. A picture of a person you miss
8. A picture you've never posted on your blog before
9. A picture of people who knew you then and know you now:
10. A picture of your favorite place
11. A person you can tell anything to:
12. A picture of your everyday life
13. A picture from a place you love...London
14. A picture that reminds you of good times:
15. A class photo...year 12
16. A picture of the best day of your life:
17. A picture that always makes you laugh
18. A picture of your spare time: being silly
19. A photo from a great night:
20. A picture (or 3) of the people who are closest to you
21. A picture of someone(s) you always have a good time with
22. A picture of your parents when they were (around) your age: (a couple of years older...there aren't a lot of photos of when mum and dad were my age...but mumma is pregnant with me in this photo!)
23. A picture from last summer
24. A picture of your closest friend of the opposite sex (not your significant other):
25. A picture of your favorite vacation
26. A picture of an accomplishment:
27. A picture of your closest friend:
28. A random picture from Photobooth:
29. A photo that makes you smile:
30. A photo of someone you'll never let go of (Mumma and Stuart)