Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What are you reading?

I've been totally engrossed in these books the past week or so. I polished off book one on the weekend and started book 2 immediately and I'm almost half way through. I have been having a few late nights because they have been so enjoyable to read...easy to read and I've warmed to the characters. The main girl gave the heebee jeebees when I first starting reading but she isn't nearly as annoying any more!
Head over to Danielle's if you want to see what some other nice ladies are reading!


  1. I love when a book grabs you so that you just dont want to put it down!

  2. ooh i might just have to check those out!

  3. That's the best kind of book when you can't put it down. I haven't heard of these so I must look for them.

  4. I haven't heard of these. I love the unputdownables too! xx

  5. I'm reading "Beneath a Marble Sky" (pretty much a love story about how the Taj Mahal was built) but it hasn't made me fall in love with it yet...probably cos the only chance I get to read it is during feed times and that has been hard work lately!


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