Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm confused...

Every year Concordia celebrates "care week". There are a bunch of activities around resilience, caring for each other etc. Staff can get a massage from a guy that comes in over 2 days (for a small charge), year 9 boys perform plays about bullying for year 8's and 7's, student teachers do awesome chapel devotions, morning teas (and it happened to coincide with book week this year so the library is celebrating too!) Staff can also sign up to have a care buddy, the idea is to spoil your buddy...but not spend much money, leave encouraging notes, perhaps pop a chocolate in their duck hole that sort of thing...I don't work Mondays and when I rocked up for work today there were 2 envelopes on my desk with these guys in them...AND then there were 2 more envelopes in my duck hole with 2 more...one orange one purple...I opened their parachutes to see if my buddy had left a note or something in them...no note...what do you think they mean? I told Tim about them and he was like...those things are awesome you throw them up in the air and they float down to the ground...right ok...still not getting it! I'll let you know if I get a note to explain them later in the week!

1 comment:

  1. curiouser & curiouser... !! Someone with a funny sense of humour maybe? Let us know if you work it out!


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