Saturday, June 09, 2012

it arrived!

 It's red, it's shiny and it is so enjoyable to ride!


  1. woooo!! looks awesome! (and love seeing Catherine Court in the background.)

    1. you might notice something a little different too...all the pine trees are gone!

  2. OH my golly! are going to have to wear matching CLOTHES and shoes and bags and nail polish and ribbons in your hair with a bike like that! I LOVE! When I visit I am having a teensie borrow of it on the tennis court and pretend I'm romantically riding on the streets of Amsterdam or Paris. Very very cool. XOXO and to think...riding a bike like that is should be a crime.

  3. :) It's so fun! I gave all the sisters a dinky ride last night they were loosing the plot with laughter!


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