Saturday, September 08, 2012

catch up

Please can someone tell me where the weeks are going? I think working at a school doesn't make it easy as things and events are always counted as week is week 9..I'm not sure how it happened! Life seems to be running away, which is some ways is OK some ways it makes me nervous as the end of the year approaches...and lots of changes and exciting things will be happening I'm sure...But I'll write about that another day!
It has been an eventful couple of weeks. I did make my first ever banana bread. It was rather yummy but I reckon I could have put a little less sugar in it! It was pretty sweet.
I've been reading like there is no tomorrow and loving it!
our little nephew is growing so quickly...he is a little bit cute!
I met a new little bubba. Some good friends welcomed their first child into the world early in August. Apart from being sleep deprived they are doing well. 
I got a bit of interesting TV watching in..If you haven't heard of this show or seen it go to the SBS website and take a look.  
My Dad finished his job at the church he has been working at for over 7 years. They had a lovely farewell for him and Mum last Sunday. A delicious community lunch, farewell songs and Dad and all me sisters sang a song. It was rather lovely!
We ended up staying at Mum and Dad's for dinner after all the farewell celebrations and started the Fathers day celebrations! It was really lovely to spend time with Dad. He was winding down for some holidays before he starts his new job at the start of October.

We had the week of kitchen hell...our kitchen got gutted...and renovated! So now we are in kitchen heaven! A couple of before, during and after shots! I didn't mind the green so much but the bench tops were just horrible and so it is so nice to have a bench you wipe and it's actually clean! We'll enjoy it for the next couple of months before we have to move out of our little unit!
 I went to the best catered Tupperware party ever... 
 We had some beautiful spring weather last weekend...and then it hid again around Wednesday...I'm hoping it returns again soon...I need some Vitamin D! 
I got a little bit of crafting in...not much but it is always fun to get the typewriter out and bash the keys away!
And just another one of Jax because I can't help myself and he is growing SO FAST!!! I often don't get to see him because I go over at night when he is sleeping but all of a sudden he is smiling and chatting, he's darling!
...SOOOO I'm hoping I'll be back on track now with the ol' blogging. I have missed it...there has been a bit going on and to add to it our computer has been playing up too so hopefully that will sort itself out...or we'll chuck it off the balcony... Ha!
Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


  1. Your nephew is a little cutie! Love that SBS show - so thought provoking. Sounds like you have been super busy!!

    1. :) isn't he just! Yeah the show it's very interesting and challenging...good to challenge the way you think and learn how others think too

    2. :) isn't he just! Yeah the show it's very interesting and challenging...good to challenge the way you think and learn how others think too

  2. Did you love the Help? I did, however wish I had read the book before I saw the movie.

    I know what you mean about the weeks just slipping by...I get so excited about the summer holidays but then realise that life is just rushing by before my eyes. It scares me sometimes how quickly it all goes...


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