Saturday, December 23, 2006


on monday afternoon i took a big bite out of a 127 gram bit of chocolate and the bite weighed 34 grams. i made a hot chocolate in 1 minite 3 seconds, ate 14 heaps spoons of melted chocolate in 1 minute and bobbed for strawberries...


cause we had a choc off at the chocolate bean...i won the biting comp and came 4th over all! it was a fun day! and i got a good secret Santa present too. a voucher from Midwest trader store. sweet.

if i stopped fart arsing and got a digital camera i would have photos to share...but i am waiting on some from a lovely work mate! you'll see them in the new year!

which brings me to my next point...

may your Christmas be a happy and healthy one and your new year be one of exciting new adventures and fun! and please enjoy a nap on Christmas day or boxing day...or BOTH!



  1. Dear Loz,

    I hope to have a nap every day, so no worries there. I've some photos of us over here, which evoke vague feelings of happiness and illness for me.

    Fun dancing the other night, hey! Merry Christmas and all; I'll see you soon, before New Year's with luck. Ciao bella, Will.

  2. If you came fourth I am having trouble imagining how much chocolate the third, second and first placers managed to eat! What a way to start the festive season, hehe. I'll be napping on my parents spare bed on Christmas Day... and they don't even know it yet! WOO HOO!!! Merry Christmas Loz. Lovings, Erin xo

  3. Hey Loz,
    Haven't seen you in ages...
    hope you had a good christmas!
    we must catch up in the new year
    much luv


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